Dangerous Musings

[PSA] Caffeine isn't Everything

“Are you sleep deprived, occasionally depressed, lethargic, exhausted/depleted, and don’t feel like getting up in the morning?”

What a great infomercial hook for most Gen Z folks entering adulthood.

In the quest to be the best, one must supplement their body’s desires, not by the minimum, but by the ideal.

The wet dream for all nootropic microdosers is Limitless (2011), a film where the protaganist discovers a magic drug, “NZT”, that sensitizes him to his surroundings and enhances his memory, learning, motivation, and mood. Sure, you can take phenibut, aderall, caffeine, nicotine gum, etc. and get close to peak “you”, but the reason, at least in the movie, that isn’t allowed is because of the horrible withdrawal symptoms and addictive properties of NZT.

So, here’s the goal: become the best you every waking moment without becoming physically dependent on any drugs or dealing with under-the-counter substances. That throws out phenibut, picamilon, aderrall, nicotine gum, magic mushrooms, etc.

Here’s the baseline1 to follow before you even attempt to try any drugs (you probably already have, but no matter):

  1. Sleep: at least 7 hours a night
  2. Exercise: at least a 30 minute walk every day
  3. Diet: each meal should be ½ Mixed Veggies, ¼ White/Plant Protein, ¼ Whole Wheats with light snacks like fruits

“Who cares about all that? Our parents told us that all of our lives. Now its time to listen to a non-health professional pander 5 supplements. I love being influenced!”

Wow, your life sounds like an Adam McKay movie.

Substance Effects Cost Notes
B-Complex2 Reduces migraines, depression, anxiety ~$0.10/50mg tablet Contains Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B9, and B12
Caffeine3 Increases alertness/reduces fatigue, increases Heart rate, ~$0.05/200mg pill
~$2/80mg coffee
Shitty withdrawal symptoms
Magnesium4 Reduces migraines and anxiety and improves sleep health ~$0.08/500mg A stellar electrolyte if you’re fasting
Saffron5 Enhances mood, reduces brain degeneration, anti-inflammatory, appetite suppressant ~$0.76/50mg tablet Buy the strands from your local Indian grocer; they’re much chaper
Vitamin D6 Immune system function, bone health, mood regulation ~$0.02/1000IU Combine with calcium if you don’t consume dairy

I originally wanted to include some Monster Energy ingredients on this list like Panax Ginseng, Taurine, and Inositol, but they have unproven effects on mental health. To top it off: Gurana is an an alias for caffeine; the “180mg of caffeine” label on their cans is a lie!

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