Dangerous Musings
- [BR]: Book Review
- [C]: Comedy
- [N]: Note to self or a journal Entry
- [PR]: Product review
- [WD]: Word of the Day Series (deprecated)
No posts are deleted, just unlisted if they're no longer relevant.
[C] Blowing Snowmen
[C] Butter Fly Knife
[C] God Condemnes Me For Eating Bacon
[C] My Petition Against Time Dilation
[PSA] Extinguishing Personal Transportion From and For Our Planet
[BR] Infinite Powers by Steven Strogatz
[PSA] Why I Won't Ever Have Kids: A Dogmatic Analysis
[PSA] What is the Cost of Lies in The Imitation Game?
[N] Font Stacks
[N] Accounting for a Change in Learning
[N] Professional Thinking
[PSA] Caffeine isn't Everything
[PSA] Staying Creative with Wallet-Optimized UI Design
[PSA] Attention and Intention
[N] What Do I Want to Be?
[WD] The Word of The Day Must Stop
[WD] Erratic vs Chaotic vs Sporadic
[N] Hell on Earth - Learning from a Textbook
[N] Being More Stupid
[PSA] Understanding Anything and the Will to Think
[PSA] My Evolving Efficiency System
[IDK] Hypothermic Pizza
[PSA] Advice
[N] Writing for Me
[N] Corporate Jargon
[WD] Alacrity
[C] The MacBook Pro 2016's Ironic Trailer
[PR] Achieving 10x Faster Queries by Switching to Rockset
[WD] Chutzpah
[WD] Tact
[WD] Tantalize
[WD] Piracy
[PSA] Nobody Wants to Read Slideshow Text
[WD] Ontological
[PSA] Blogging vs. YouTube
[PR] My Racing Simulator
[PSA] Patching Vulnerabilities with Speed
[PSA] Eating Dirt
[IDK] My LunarVim Config: 2023 Edition
[N] 17
[PSA] Webflow Might be Bad for Developers